About bluelineinvesting

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So far bluelineinvesting has created 63 blog entries.

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: September 2023

Several years ago, my wife took our youngest son to the mountains of North Carolina to play in a travel soccer tournament. The tournament consisted of three games played over two days on three different soccer fields. Everything was going fine until her phone GPS stopped working on the way [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: September 20232023-10-06T14:14:37+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: August 2023

I hope everyone who reads this had a very enjoyable summer. I didn’t write a July update because I was consumed by some new investment revelations that I needed to research further. I’m more excited today about the long-term investment potential of the BLUE LINE INVESTING® Investment Process than when [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: August 20232023-09-08T17:32:43+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: June 2023

Seeing we are in the middle of summer and many people are on vacation, this update will be kept brief. For the past few months, I have been showing the possibility of a sideways trend within a rising trend. With last month’s price advance, I believe the secondary sideways trend [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: June 20232023-07-12T18:15:35+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: May 2023

A client recently expressed concern over what she was hearing through the media, and how the stock market could drop by 40% if certain circumstances came to pass. My response was simple and straightforward: Ignore the media and people’s opinions. Pay attention to what the market is suggesting instead. This [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: May 20232023-06-09T19:24:24+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 2023

In last month’s update, I illustrated the three primary trends that almost every publicly traded investment experiences throughout its existence. The reason I believe it is imperative to have this understanding and awareness is because investment profits result from aligning our investment decisions, and strategy, with the prevailing trend in [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 20232023-05-05T18:08:58+00:00
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