The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: June 2023

Seeing we are in the middle of summer and many people are on vacation, this update will be kept brief. For the past few months, I have been showing the possibility of a sideways trend within a rising trend. With last month’s price advance, I believe the secondary sideways trend [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: June 20232023-07-12T18:15:35+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: May 2023

A client recently expressed concern over what she was hearing through the media, and how the stock market could drop by 40% if certain circumstances came to pass. My response was simple and straightforward: Ignore the media and people’s opinions. Pay attention to what the market is suggesting instead. This [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: May 20232023-06-09T19:24:24+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 2023

In last month’s update, I illustrated the three primary trends that almost every publicly traded investment experiences throughout its existence. The reason I believe it is imperative to have this understanding and awareness is because investment profits result from aligning our investment decisions, and strategy, with the prevailing trend in [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 20232023-05-05T18:08:58+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: February 2023

One of the greatest challenges for many investors is learning to not allow their emotions to impact their investment decisions. Last year was a perfect case study, and in my opinion, an example of what is likely to happen on a greater scale in the years ahead. As calendar year [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: February 20232023-03-08T18:47:29+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: January 2023

During January, the US stock markets staged a price rally, primarily driven by stocks in the technology sector. This helped the S&P 500 and NASDAQ stock indices rally while the Dow Jones Industrial Average remained relatively flat. As can be seen in the chart below, at the end of January [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: January 20232023-02-06T19:17:31+00:00
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