US Stock Market Index Performance (Year-To-Date)

All BLUE LINE INVESTING® clients were provided with year-to-date, net of fee investment performance yesterday as of the May 23, 2022, market close. For reference and informational purposes only, I am providing the performance for three US stock market indices below. The first is the S&P 500 Index, the second [...]

US Stock Market Index Performance (Year-To-Date)2022-05-24T22:05:35+00:00


Several months ago, Dale Gillham made the comment above while hosting me on one of his Talking Wealth podcast episodes. Ever since, I have wanted to write an article to illustrate its relevance. Today I will do so using the ARK Innovation ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) that was launched in late [...]

“YOU CAN’T BUY YESTERDAY’s RETURNS”2022-05-17T17:05:35+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 2022

Last month I posted an update to my Special Report that was published in early January of this year. I highlighted four potential scenarios using technical analysis to show what the US stock market patterns might be pointing to for the months ahead. I called them: The Good, The Bad, [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: April 20222022-05-10T15:28:45+00:00


The Good, the Bad, the Ugly…and the Special   People tend to act in certain predictable ways depending on how they anticipate the future. For instance, if a snowstorm is forecast in the southern US, some people rush out to the grocery store to stock up on groceries (especially bread [...]

BLUE LINE INVESTING® SPECIAL REPORT Update2022-04-05T18:31:22+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: March 2022

The first quarter of 2022 has officially ended. The quarter was filled with ongoing issues like continued high inflation, but also brought new developments, including the first Federal Reserve interest rate hike, war between Russia and Ukraine, the introduction of a bill to create “ECash”, and even Will Smith slapping [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: March 20222022-04-01T18:35:07+00:00
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