
The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: December 2023

This month’s update will run longer than normal, as I would like to share three stories that I believe help illustrate how hybrid investment strategies (a blend of passive and active management) can prove especially beneficial to investors during periods like the past two years. These stories include clients making [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: December 20232024-01-16T20:55:23+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: November 2023

Last month the US stock market enjoyed a rather impressive price rally, rocketing approximately 9% for the month. Just prior to this, the news headlines were questioning how sound the markets were, even going so far as to quote several people who claimed it was going to crash. Now they [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: November 20232023-12-08T18:38:12+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: October 2023

Let’s begin this month’s update by looking at the past. The S&P 500 Index from 1942 through 1951 consisted of three trends. The first was a rising trend (#1) into 1946. The second was a sideways trend that consolidated prior gains through 1949. The third was a rising trend (#2) [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: October 20232023-11-02T13:15:21+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: September 2023

Several years ago, my wife took our youngest son to the mountains of North Carolina to play in a travel soccer tournament. The tournament consisted of three games played over two days on three different soccer fields. Everything was going fine until her phone GPS stopped working on the way [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: September 20232023-10-06T14:14:37+00:00

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: August 2023

I hope everyone who reads this had a very enjoyable summer. I didn’t write a July update because I was consumed by some new investment revelations that I needed to research further. I’m more excited today about the long-term investment potential of the BLUE LINE INVESTING® Investment Process than when [...]

The BLUE LINE INVESTING® Update: August 20232023-09-08T17:32:43+00:00
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